Awards Index
January Landscape Award Winners
January Landscape Award Winners
February Landscape Award Winners
March Landscape Award Winners
April Landscape Award Winners
May Landscape Award Winners
June Landscape Award Winners
October Landscape Award Winners
November Landscape Award Winners
February Landscape Award Winners
March Landscape Award Winners
April Landscape Award Winners
May Landscape Award Winners
June Landscape Award Winners
July Landscape Award Winners
August Landscape Award Winner
October Landscape Award Winners
November Landscape Award Winners
February Landscape Award Winners
March Landscape Award Winners
May Landscape Award Winners
January Landscape Award Winners
February Landscape Award Winners
March Landscape Award Winners
January Landscape Award Winners
February Landscape Award Winners
March Landscape Award Winners
April Landscape Award Winners
May Landscape Award Winners
January Landscape Award Winners
January Landscape Award Winners
February Landscape Award Winners
March Landscape Award Winners
April Landscape Award Winners
May Landscape Award Winners
September Landscape Award Winners
October Landscape Award Winners
November Landscape Award Winners
A team of judges presents one award in each area except for the Green Awards which are given throughout the La Canada community.
Area 1: North of the 210 Freeway and west of Angeles Crest Highway to the west city limits.
Area 2: North of Foothill and East of Angeles Crest to Oak Grove Drive.
Area 3: South of the 210 Freeway and Foothill from the Glendale border to the Meadow Grove area.
All commercial and public facilities in La Canada
Green Award
All residential, commercial and public facilities in La Canada
Properties are judged on what can be seen from the street; specifically landscape design, color combination of flowers and plants, and texture in the form of shrubs and trees.
Low-water use landscaping with limited turf as well as the use of permeable surfaces are important judging criteria especially for the Green Awards.
Preference is given for landscapes that are established.
Any home or commercial property is re-eligible every five years.
Awards are not given to residences which are currently for sale or that have any type of commercial signage.
Please let us know of a property you think should be considered for an award.